Everyone drills for when the building catches fire. So why not drill for when the reputation catches fire?
Virtually every organization will face a crisis at some point. Handled poorly, a crisis can destroy an otherwise healthy enterprise. A reputation can be lost overnight and take years to repair.
There is obviously much more to crisis planning than communications. If your organization doesn't have a crisis or business continuity plan, one should be developed post-haste!
But communications does play a major role in weathering a crisis and coming out alive. This is where we can help. We'll work with you to develop a comprehensive crisis communications plan and then conduct a crisis drill against that plan.
Obviously, a crisis communications plan can't forecast or prepare for a particular set of circumstances, but there are consistent elements to all crisis communication procedures that should be accounted for in a crisis communication plan. They include:
- Chain of command and decision making process
- Media spokesperson identification
- Stakeholder identification and process for cascading communications
- Message drafting and approval
Once the plan has been developed, its time to test it. The crisis drill includes:
- Mock media interviews and press conferences
- Mock news articles with erroneous information that needs to be corrected
- Results and recommended refinements to the plan