You're a good corporate citizen because it's the right thing to do. But that doesn't mean you have to be modest about it. 
CSR Visibility
For every dollar you donate, you should spend a dime telling the world about it.  Most organizations don’t spend close to this. But earning recognition for your citizenship activities is a key way to enhance your brand. 

Citizenship activities that are ripe for publicity include:
  • Straight financial support/donations
  • Employee volunteer programs
  • In-kind partnerships/pro bono services

Ways your citizenship can be leveraged for your brand include:
  • Negotiating with benefactor organizations for greater recognition of support.
  • Publicizing support through media.
  • Communications to customers and potential customers.
  • Leveraging relationships with board members of benefactor organizations.

We can help put together a CSR Visibility Plan, develop the necessary materials and tools, then go out and do it.  Give us a call to discuss.